What happened to the old site?
Given that the activity of the project has substantially died down in recent years, it stopped making sense to continue paying for an expensive CMS system to be home to the bot. Instead, this page will be the new landing page for Omni-bot, where users can download the bot for their game of choice and get setup and configuration information from the wiki here. I will be investigating whether there are any options to pull over any content(blog posts, etc), from the old website.
If you wish to be a contributor to the bot, at either the software level or the documentation level, please let me know. It would be much appreciated.
In particular if you are willing to help us re-build the documentation of Omni-bot on the web here please reach out.
Omni-bot is a first person shooter bot frameworkfor AI controlled multiplayer opponents in several popular FPS games and engines
Omni-bot is unique among most FPS bots in that the majority of the code is generalized and loaded from an external dll, with only a relatively small interface layer needing to be compiled within the game engine or mod being supported.
Currently supported engines and mods
- Enemy Territory
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Doom 3
- Quake 4
- Half-life 2
Since these engines make up the bulk of the moddable gaming community, it is quick and easy to adapt one of the existing interfaces to a new mod.